Bill Harrington
agosto 22, 2024

How to Change Your Will and When To Update Your Will

WPH Law’s guide helps you keep your will updated to protect your wishes. It offers steps and examples for when to update your will throughout your life.

Planificación patrimonial

Welcome to WPH Law's guide on updating your will. Ensuring your will remains up-to-date is important for ensuring your wishes are protected and carried out as you have planned. This guide will walk you through the steps necessary for updating your will, and share examples of when to update your will throughout your life. Stay informed and secure your legacy with expert advice from WPH Law.

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Cómo cambiar un testamento

Comprensión cómo cambiar un testamento is important for anyone with an existing estate plan. There are a few ways you can change your will, and an attorney can help ensure you understand the   and the legal considerations . The most common way to update your will is by creating a codicil. A codicil is a basically an amendment to your will that outlines specific changes without requiring you to draft an entirely new document. This is often the preferred method when you only need to make minor changes, such as updating the names of beneficiaries or revising the terms of a specific gift to a specific beneficiary.

Review your estate plan thoroughly before making any changes to your will.  Begin by gathering all pertinent information about your real estate (e.g. addresses, ownership), other assets, and a  complete list of beneficiaries. Then, request a consult with your lawyer to update your will. Updating your will with the assistance of your lawyer will ensure your document complies with state laws. Laws governing wills and probate can differ significantly across states, so professional legal advice ensures your will is legally binding.

Your attorney may recommend you create an entirely new will if you’re considering significant changes, such as changing who inherits certain assets or your named beneficiaries (especially after major life events, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or the death of a loved one).  These events often necessitate changes to your estate plan to be sure the distribution of your assets align with your current wishes. Updating your will in response to these changes helps to ensure that your estate plan remains relevant and effective. Refer to the table below for more examples of life events that could require an update to your will.

If you have a new will drafted, be sure your attorney adds a clear statement that explicit revokes all previous wills to help avoid confusion or conflicts during the probate process.

Any changes to your will should be clearly documented. Using unclear language in your will could  lead to disagreements among your beneficiaries if your intent isn't absolutely clear. When updating your will, outline each change to eliminate any confusion. Use plain language that states exactly what your wishes and intentions are. Your lawyer will review your updated document to ensure it accurately reflects your wishes and meets all legal criteria.

Understanding how to change your will and recognizing when  updates are necessary are key to  ongoing estate planning. Whether you opt for a codicil or decide to draft a  new document, the expert guidance of your lawyer will ensure your will complies with the law. At WPH Law, we specialize in helping clients navigate the complexities of estate planning and ensuring your final wishes are documented precisely as intended.

For more detailed information on updating a will, and to discuss your unique circumstances, don't hesitate to contact our abogados de planificación patrimonial.

When to Change Your Will

Razón Descripción
Matrimonio o divorcio Si se casa o se divorcia, es posible que deba actualizar los beneficiarios y la distribución de activos.
Nacimiento o Adopción de un Niño Agregue nuevos hijos o hijos adoptados para asegurarse de que estén previstos en su testamento.
Muerte de un beneficiario Si un beneficiario fallece, deberá redistribuir su parte de la herencia.
Cambios financieros significativos Un gran aumento o disminución de los activos puede requerir cambios en la distribución de los mismos.
Cambios en las relaciones Los cambios en las amistades o relaciones familiares pueden requerir actualizaciones de su testamento.
Mudarse a un estado o país diferente Diferentes jurisdicciones tienen diferentes leyes de herencia que pueden afectar su testamento.
Cambios en las leyes tributarias Asegúrese de que su testamento aproveche las nuevas leyes fiscales para maximizar el valor del patrimonio para los beneficiarios.
Cambio de albacea Si el albacea elegido ya no es adecuado, deberá nombrar uno nuevo.
Cambios en la salud Los problemas de salud importantes pueden incitarlo a reevaluar su testamento y sus deseos de atención al final de la vida.
Disposition of Specific Assets If you acquire or dispose of significant assets, you may need to update their distribution.
Initial Estate Planning Errors Correct any mistakes or omissions in your original will.
Charitable Inclination To include new charitable donations or to update the terms of existing donations.
Changes in Responsibilities Increase or decrease in caregiving responsibilities may impact your asset allocation.
Blended Families To ensure that children from a previous marriage are not unintentionally excluded.
Abogado William P. Harrington, Jr., ESQ.

Bill Harrington

Bill es un abogado con experiencia en planificación y administración patrimonial, litigios por deudas de tarjetas de crédito, quiebras y lesiones personales. Vive en Kinzers, PA, con su esposa y sus tres hijos.
Obtenga ayuda de un abogado con la compasión y la experiencia que necesita para guiarlo en tiempos difíciles.

If you need an Attorney, contact The Law Offices of William P. Harrington, Jr., ESQ and talk for free!

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